Change in comment policy

I had to remove several comments in the last few weeks that were inappropriate.  Comments now require administrative approval before they get posted on the blog.  The blog also received some spam, and it was suggested to close comments fourteen days after the posting. 

I believe this blog can remain a valuable resource to the parents and the community. We need to be good models for students and help them understand appropriate behavior. 


5 thoughts on “Change in comment policy

  1. Being “good models for students” MUST include educating our children of their inalienable rights, one of which is freedom of speech. When an individual exercises one of their God-given rights, specifically their right of free speech, we may not always agree with what that person has stated but that does not prohibit them from freely expressing themselves.

    Exactly whose money is it that is expended to maintain the school department’s website and this blog? Unless a posting contains offensive language, I do hope the school department is prepared to defend what can be viewed as an abuse of power. Last time I checked, I still live in America, not Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, or North Korea, and our First Amendment rights haven’t yet been repealed by our Dear Leader in DC. By what authority does the superintendent of schools have the right to restrict the opinions of those who pay for this blog, this website, and his salary?

  2. I will continue to remove personal attacks and demeaning personal comments. I hope this blog and the comments section can be a dialogue on the issues, not on personalities.

  3. it you are going to make subjective decisions over what is or isn’t appropriate, then it’s clear to me that we have a superintendent of schools that objects to views that don’t necessarily promote the district’s propaganda…as a taxpayer of Rochester and the father of a student in Rochester schools, I’m concerned that our students will only learn that it is important to be spoon fed some information while filtering information that doesn’t fit in tot he “program” of people who call themselves educators…some much for free speech and education – HA!!!

  4. Exactly what personal attacks are being censored?
    What is a “deeming personal comment?” I’ve never heard the expression before.