Magnet School Steering Committee

Maple Street School
Magnet Meeting
Boardroom #2

October 11, 2011
6:00 PM


Members Present:

 Michael Hopkins

Mary Moriarty

Anne Grassie

Robin Brown

Michael Case

Sara Cantrell

Nancy Loud

Dot Callaghan

Katie Herrick

Wendi Moore

Katie Hunter (check with Robin on name)

Members Absent:

Anthony Pastelis

Audrey Stevens

Lesley Unger-Mochrie

Also Present:

Robert Watson

James Gray

Doris Gates

Robert Gates

Sue O’connor

Dan Harkinson


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.


Mr. Hopkins reviewed the agenda and proceeded to introductions.


The Committee discussed working rules for the Committee.  It was agreed to the following rules:


  1. The Superintendent will keep the minutes, and they will reflect actions and recommendations of the steering committee. 
  2. Decision making will be by consensus. 
  3. We will try to schedule regular weekly meetings for the first six weeks.
  4. The Steering Committee will make recommendations to the Board and items to share with the focus groups.
  5. The Superintendent will facilitate the meetings. 


The Committee schedule the next several meetings:  October 18th,  5 to 7 p.m., October 25, 5 to 5:50 p.m, November 1, 5 to 7 p.m.



The Committee discussed personal learning plans.  It was suggested some examples of personal learning plans would help the Committee. These will be brought to the next meeting.


The Committee discussed two 200 day calendars.  Examples of both calendars will be brought to the next meeting.


The third items of discussion included needing to clearly explain the expectations for students, staff, and parents in the magnet school.  The Steering Committee agreed that this should be part of its recommendations. 




The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.



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