Gonic Updates

Gonic 3-5 will play on the McClelland playground instead of the field at RMS.

The buses came at their regular time to Gonic yesterday

R6 – 3:05pm

R16 – 3:15pm

R13 -3:25pm


So I am sure they were later to RMS and McClelland.

The transfer/YMCA bus came to Gonic at 3:20pm.

The drop off and pick up went smoothly.



Joint Building Committee Meeting and Plans

Please follow the links below.  They include the Handouts from the meeting on December 18, 2017, plus a powerpoint version of the presentation, and a pdf version of the presentation.


Powerpoint version of the presentation

LBA-Rochester CTE-JBC meeting_12-18-2017-298eupt

PDF version of the presentation

LBA-Rochester CTE-JBC meeting_12-18-2017-2gjwws2

Link to all of the plans.  Very large files, it may take awhile to load documents.


Update on some details

Please look here for updates since the meeting on December 13, 2017

If you are dropping off at RMS stay in the right lane as you leave Brock Street.  You will stay out of the McClelland parent line.  If you are picking up at RMS please do not begin the car lineup until 2:50  or later.  Staff may need to get out of parking spots after school at RMS.

When you face the front of Gonic School, the door on the right will be the entrance for parents and visitors.  It will have a button to push to request entrance to the school.  The door on the left will be used at the end of the day for parent drop off and students leaving the building.

Notes from the Nursing staff: We already have the medication and orders so we are set with that transfer. We will be asking the teachers and/or paras  that will be transporting the kids to McClelland  for their specials to carry any needed medications (i.e. inhalers, epipens) with them for that class and I have spoken with Jen Saucier (Nurse at McClelland) and she is in agreement with the plan. She will see Gonic students if needed while at McClelland and call us.

The current Gonic nurse will still be attending any IEP,  504 meetings for these students and keep us informed as needed. Cori Brown one of the nurses at RMS is familiar with these students as she had them during her time at Gonic.  We have reviewed all the health condition alerts and all info is in IC for us to access. We are confident we will be able to handle these students without any difficulty.

Rochester Child Care at RMS/D wing  Drop off students at the rear door of D Wing in the morning.  The students will be supervised in D Wing room 175.  In the afternoon pick up students from the cafeteria area.  The students will be in the cafeteria at least all of next week.   The Child Care parents will be notified of any changes after next week.

Bus 01 will be at Gonic School in the side parking lot after 8:15.  Walking students and any parent drop off students in grade 3 to 5 will be able to wait in the bus, and it should leave for RMS by 8:25.  Please make sure walkers are at school to catch the 8:25 a.m. bus.

In the afternoon, the bus R19 will leave the Middle School as close to 3 p.m. as possible.  It will drop Gonic students at Gonic, pickup Y riders and return to McClelland to pick up Y riders.  It will bring walkers and any students parents have designated to return to Gonic via the bus.  Buses 6, 13 and 16 will pick up at Gonic, then RMS and then go to McClelland.  This is a slightly different version from what I said last night.


Bus Changes:


R1 Pick up Gonic walkers 3-5 gr 8:15-8:25 parent drop off for Gonic 3 to 5 at the back playground

R6, R13 and R16

Drop k-2 at Gonic in back. p/u any walkers that are at the school if they can fit

Drop McClelland students

Transfer Maple and SES students to R9 @ McClelland

Drop 3-5 Gonic students at RMS out back


R19 Pick up RMS Gonic walkers/YMCA students up at front of school

Drop walkers and p/u YMCA at Gonic in front of school

P/U McClelland YMCA students


R6, R13 and R16

P/U  Gonic school k-2 students in front of school

P/U at RMS Gonic 3-5 in front of school (If any additional walkers R6 can bring them to Gonic)

P/U McClelland students/Transfers

Start Elem Route


Visit D Wing on Thursday December 14th

We will have a D wing visit for Gonic Parents on Thursday December 14th from 4 to 6 p.m.

This will give you a chance to the see D wing at RMS.  We will still be finishing lots of details, but you can see the classrooms.

You can park behind the Middle School and enter D wing.  We should have signs or someone to direct you.



Meeting on Wednesday December 13th

I will be at McClelland School at 5 p.m. tomorrow and 6 p.m.  I will share the basic information twice. I will provide some basic information about bus drop off and pick up, parent drop off and pick up, breakfast, lunch, recess, specials, recess, nursing services, guidance services, Rochester Child Care and then answer questions.  I will also share information about the roof structure.

I believe parking will be at a premium around the Middle School since it is the elementary school band concert beginning at 7 p.m.  The students will need to be there by 6 p.m.  We will not be able to visit RMS because of the concert, but will have some photos on the presentation.

For this event, park in the back lot of McClelland School and enter by the side gymnasium doors.

I hope to post the presentation materials on this site before tomorrow evening.

No School tomorrow at Gonic School

We will not have school tomorrow, December 12, 2017 because of the ongoing structural concerns in the roof.  We will also be closed, as already announced on December 13, 14, 15, 2017.  We will reopen on December 18th.  Students will be split between Gonic and D-Wing at RMS on the 18th.

The school concert will held as scheduled tomorrow December 12th, unless the entire school system has a snow day.  With the weather forecast that is possible.  If the concert is postponed, it will be held after the holidays.

I am sorry for this week long closing.