Bus Drop Off Changes

The following form will be given out to K to 2 students that ride the bus home.  This is provided in case you miss the form.





Please understand that this drop off form is in effect for this school year ONLY. A new form will need to be completed
for each school year. Thank you.
Re: New practice for K-2 bus drop off
Dear Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade Parents/Guardians:
The Rochester School District has worked collaboratively with parents and our bus company to establish a new drop off protocol for students in grades K-2. Effective October 3, 2016 students who are in grades K-2 must be received at their assigned bus stop by a parent/guardian or a responsible adult who has been designated by the parents.
We understand that this may change the normal routine for your family, but want your input to ensure that we have a safe dismissal for your child. Therefore, we are requesting that you please complete the information below and return it to your child’s teacher by Wednesday September 28th. Even if you are not requiring a parent or guardian at drop off, we still need you to complete the form below.
Name of Student: ______________________________________________________________
Grade level: _____________ School: _____________________________
Bus Number: _____________
– I will have a parent/guardian or a responsible adult greet my student at their bus stop.
– I will not have a parent/guardian or a responsible adult present and grant permission for my K-2 student to walk from the bus stop.
___________________________________ _______________________
Parent – Print name Date
Parent Signature
Please return this form to your child’s teacher by September 28, 2016

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